Introduction and editing of articles

To import and edit articles go to the articles section, log in to the administration section and click on the “Articles” section.

Once clicked it directs us to the page all the articles and a sub menu will open with options like “New Article”.

All articles

On the “All Articles” page we see that we have created an article whether it is published or not.

As we look at the page on the top left next to the menu has the title of the page and the button for creating a new article.

On the right there is the option “View Options”, in this menu we can hide the columns such as the author.

Exactly below we can choose how many articles we want to appear on the first page.

There is also the option to show or not, an excerpt of the articles.

Below the “View Options” option is the Article Search that helps us search for articles.

New article

To add a new article, either press the button next to the articles title.

If we are on another page, move the mouse over the word articles and select the word “New article” from the menu.

On the “Add Article” page we can insert a new article.

In the first field that says “Give the title here” we put the title of the article and it automatically creates the link to the article.

Below it has the option “Add multimedia”, with this option a window opens to select the object we want.

On the right of the screen below the viewing options there is a small section, where we can choose when our article will be published, etc.

Below the post there is a section called “Format” where we can choose the format of the article.

We can also select the article category, tags and a selected image.


To go to the categories from the home page, point the mouse at the selection of articles and in the menu, click on categories.

On the categories page we can add, edit and delete categories.

To add categories we enter the name, the short name, the parent and the description in the left part of the screen.

From the right we see the categories we have created.


Under the categories are the tags, the tags have the same system, the difference is that they do not have a parent.

To learn more download the Creating Website application.

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